Sunday 22 March 2015

Shopping for saris and it’s therapeutic value

                   Shopping  for saris and it’s therapeutic value

There are many suggestions given to drive out mental depression, such as  seeing a comedy movie or scenes in the television, reading comics, joining a friend’s group for some activity or getting out of the home or listening to music etc., But of late shopping is suggested as an activity with higher therapeutic value. Even window shopping is considered as helping to fight depression. We indulge in shopping for acquiring household items, dresses, jewelry, accessories, furniture, latest gadgets, art pieces etc. But as far as women are concerned ,shopping for personal wardrobe is considered as an activity which would instantly drive out mental depression. I have heard many women supporting this idea. It is highly true in the case of Indian women because in no other country the weavers, the designers, the printers of handloom and mill made clothes are glorifying women with such variety of dresses through their creations. All the states in India specialise in a particular type of women dresses especially in weaving of the saris.

The minute a woman decides to buy a sari to get out of depression, she would be indulging in an urgent plan that includes allotment of budget for the purchase, the locality to visit, the shops to enter and a rough idea of the material and color of the of the sari, so that there should not be a repetition of any sari which they already  have or their friends and relatives have, because women get immense satisfaction in wearing exclusive saris which no other women should be seen wearing. (Vanity, thy name is woman)

Then, after entering the shop they hop from counter to counter to see all the available variety of saris even if they are remotely connected to their budget. The excuse for this behavior is to get knowledge regarding the latest designs and prices so that they can use that knowledge during the next available opportunity. This stage in the   shopping has dramatic effect on their mental condition. The mind is a so refreshed after seeing such variety of saris decorated with gold and silver colour zari  , beads , stone work , hand woven borders with breath taking designs with vegetable dyes, machine prints and hand woven saris with vast types of color combinations arrived from north, south, east and west of India

Most of the women have the tendency to stop and look at the saris unfolded by the sales men for others, even after selection their saris for comparison sake. This comparison attitude continues until the bill is settled  since, even at that stage saris selected  by others are casualty surveyed to check whether their saris  remain exclusive  still. Women prefer
to go to boutiques in spite of untouchable prices  for the sake of selecting an unique, latest ,and beautiful  saris because, they do not like to possess a sari 100 other women would be wearing .They hate to buy any sari  in their opinion is  “too common” in  design and colour combination . It is true that only those women who have husbands who do not micro manage the family expenses and only those  working women with financial independence  can resort to sari shopping to tackle mental depression . Others resort to window shopping because even  that activity  helps in relaxing the mind through visual effects of a huge sari collection and its beautiful display.

I have a friend who has one full size steel cupboard filled with “depression saris” as she calls them. I noticed that it was very unique and breadth taking  collection. I was wondering whether she would be getting into fresh bout of depression if she doesn’t get chances to display them for long time  . Many women would agree that sari shopping indeed has higher therapeutic value because , all the steps involved in it are interesting and relaxing to the affected  mind. Men do not understand the complexities and technicalities involved in sari selection. Those men who accompany women for sari shopping wonder at the time consumed in selection and the pity the sales men who untiringly unfold hundreds of saris for each woman customer in their effort to guess the particular taste of a customer. I often wonder why do  men accompany women to sari shops because women like to have total freedom in sari selection. If they are forced to select sari to please their  husbands who give a suggestion in selection , they are sure to exchange it the next day under some pretext. Moreover, sari shopping is therapeutic only when it is done with leisure and  patience and it is better husbands  stay way from it because , quite often they  are the source of mental depression  of their wives.   


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