Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Feminisation of aging

                                    Feminisation of ageing- issues and  concerns

Despite substantial growth in proportion of both male and female elderly around the world, a strong preponderance of women has been established amongst 60 years and above in most of the countries. This phenomenon is called “Feminisation of ageing” which is currently dominant in developed nations but is picking up pace in developing countries.

As per the2011 census, while the overall sex ratio favours the male population (940 females per 1,000males) however, for the elderly population, at 60 plus, it favours elderly women (1022:1000). At the ages of 65, 70, 75 & 80 there are 1,310, 1,590, 1,758 & 1,980 elderly women respectively per1,000 elderly men. The proportion of women and men in the elderly population has important implications for policymakers, as they have different experiences and problems due to their biological differences, social and gender roles and position in the society at large. For example, women face various reproductive morbidities due to pregnancies and childbirth that has implications during old age. In India, elderly women are more likely to be widowed, illiterate and out of paid employment as compared with elderly men. The socio economic implications of aging are greater for females because of their higher life expectancy. Dependency can become more complex as a woman grows older given the situation that she has no source of income or right to property as seen in traditional families. In a study to establish both the direct and indirect effects of widowhood on aged females, it was  found that poor economic conditions have an  effect on the relationship between widowhood and health  directly and through reduction in their employment opportunities and economic freedom. Thus, the negative effect of widowhood on labour force participation could be viewed as having a larger role than just reducing potential earning and health status.

In a recent study of elderly by Audinarayana (2012) in Tamil Nadu, found marked gender-wise differentials in health status of the elderly. Chronic morbidity due to poor vision, cataract, blood pressure, back Pain/slipped disc was significantly higher amongst women as compared to elderly men. Similarly perceived health status of elderly men was significantly better‘healthy’ than those of elderly women. Another study among 987 rural aged belonging to seven villages in Faridabad, Haryana, revealed that a great proportion of males and females (62 per cent and 72 percent respectively) rated their health statues as ‘not healthy’. Female elderly compared to their male counterparts suffered from functional impairments like malnutrition, depression, impaired physical performance and urinary incontinence more significantly in the areas of study.  This study revealed that risk of malnutrition was more among females.  Elderly women are affected more by dementia, depression and psychosomatic disorders than their male counterparts.

Marital status and economic dependence play a significant role in determining morbidity amongst elderly women . It was  found that with increasing age, diseases are more likely to increase with widowhood, divorce and economic dependence. Aged women in poor families lack proper food and clothing, constantly fear about the future and   lack caring and loving atmosphere at home. All these factors contribute to their deteriorating health status  .  In a study to elicit morbidity and health care utilisation by elderly women in an urban slum in  Chennai, Balagopal (2009) revealed that 40.5 per cent of ailments of the elderly were medically untreated. The absence of gender-specific health services, poor health due to child bearing, less nutrition and their priority role as the providers of care for the young and the elderly combined with economic deprivation throughout their lives, often make the female elderly face a greater risk of poor health .It is clear from the above review of earlier studies to elicit issues faced by elderly in general and elderly women in particular. The most important reasons for not seeking care were financial problems, the perception of ailments as not serious. This information is indicative of inaccessible health care which increases financial burden on elderly women and absence of social security and health insurance. The author concludes social policy of developing countries like India underplays the health care requirements of elderly women. 

 Health of women has become a critically important issue and will increase its importance owing to their increased longevity and morbidity and decreased access to healthcare as compared to men. This increased longevity of women has significant implications for women living alone for extended periods potentially with less resources and support.

The increased longevity of women has significant implications for women living alone for extended periods potentially with less resources and support. Health of women has become a critically important issue and will increase its importance owing to their increased longevity and morbidity and decreased access to healthcare as compared to men. The problems of old age will thus be exacerbated among elderly women owing to public policy failures with respect to their access to social and material resources. Thus feminisation of ageing brings with it various issues that require attention of researchers, academicians, social workers as well as policy makers.

injustice attempted on farmers by the government

“The 2013 law allowed for land lying unused for five years after acquisition to be reverted to either the original owners or the state, but the Amendment bill extends this period to years specified for the project and exempts years spent in litigation”. Why this justifiable provision of the Act should be cancelled? To satisfy whom? ?The  land  resource is very limited in India .It is very unfortunate that the BJP government does not realise  that this limited resource should not be allowed to remain idle with Corporates  in the name of industrial development.  Industrial growth can not take place at the expense of agricultural sector which is in a  miserable position today. Every decision of the government need not be d guided by politial  interest , economic and sociological  impact of any  programme or law of the government should also be given due consideration. If most of the opposition parties and the states and economists and NGO oppose the ordinance on land acquisition, the government can not stand on prestige . That will give a bad name to the government as government not bothered about the agrarian population .  

Monday, 30 March 2015

A transformation from conservative women to the wow woman of today

 A transformation from conservative women to the wow woman of today
Published in Woman’s Era  on November 2014    

The transformation of 21st century women is outstanding, remarkable and praise worthy.

The transformation, which has taken place among women in the recent decades, is very note worthy. What changes have taken place in them?

The wow women of today want to change their traditional look to modern look through awareness about fashions, beauty care and exercises. They enroll into fitness programmes to maintain perfect vital statistics so that they can command admiration in the outside world for the prefect maintenance of their body and health status. This change in their appearance gives them self confidence and adds to their personality development. .

They are not anymore continuing the practice of self neglect through eating late food, left out food, cold food and resorting to home remedy during sickness and loosing interest in their personal appearance after marriage. The dynamic women of today have health awareness since they are not prepared to become unproductive due to aches and pains and become out of shape immediately after childbirth. They are not prepared to have children by chance but by choice. They want to play dual role as housewife and carrier women and to do the juggling act effectively, it is very necessary for them to become physically fit and hence , they have health awareness regarding  preventive, promotive and curative health care and about the need for blanked diet .

The present day women do not have   traditional outlook towards life which accepts fatalism. They want to face challenges of life with their wisdom and skills. Quite a number of women are even ready to become single mothers if misfortune strikes them and bring up their children successfully.   Hence some changes have taken place in their mental attitude. They are not ready to tolerate denial of basic rights or cruel or undignified treatment by their husbands.   Because of this change they are free from suicidal tendencies and not afraid to face crises of life. Their independent income enables them to   face the challenges of life with courage and confidence and even be able to live as single women or single parent with mental and physical stamina. They are very sure that, they can live without relying on the sympathy of friends or relatives.

The vibrant women of today have set a goal for their life. They chalk out a clear plan for achieving that goal which includes the type of carrier they should chose to get economic empowerment and security and suitable choice of a professional qualification they should obtain to get into that job. Women who are not having professional qualification prefer home based business in which they can use any special job skill they have. Since the household gadgets have made their house hold work easier, they get more leisure hours which they want to utilise for achieving their goals in life in addition to bearing and rearing of children. Hence they use their spare time to acquire certain skills so that they can become self employed and add to the family income and become self reliant financially. Those who are endowed with additional qualification  in finance, accounting, marketing, administration, public relation , forecasting, export management, foreign affairs  etc., land up in high profile jobs  in the corporate of r government sectors .Behind all these efforts is their aspiration to become,  economically independent by all means  because ,they firmly believe that yesteryears women suffered silently due to excessive financial dependency on men  during different stages of their life.  They also believe firmly that financial independence is the first step towards their economic and social security which would protect them from domestic violence and ensure dignified life.

The modern women have legal awareness. They are aware of the laws of this country, meant to protect them, their provisions and recourse to them. . Hence they are not prepared any more to accept cruel treatment by their life partners. They walk out of marriages without minding the society’s views because of financial self reliance and the confidence gained through it. . Sociologists say that over confidence among modern women has resulted in more number of divorces affecting children mostly since thy have to loose one parent. This point should be given due consideration by the empowered women. But if the marriage has reached point of no return, they have to take a bold decision in the interest of the children instead of suffering in silence as yester years women and attempt to suicide and protect the children to from unhealthy and suffocating environment
 The modern women want to participate in decision making process within the family and in the work place. They have learnt to fight for their right and assert their opinions in places where they have a role to play. Hence whether it is their education, marriage, child birth, carrier, and property they want their voice to be heard while the family takes decisions on these matters it is because, they hate to live like doormats, when they are also contribution significantly to the family income.  The modern women want to enter politics which is male dominated at present because, they want to become MLAs, MPs and Ministers so that, they can participate in law making process. They are fed up with the fact that all the women oriented laws are also enacted without consulting women. 

They have become fond of demonstrating their self confidence by managing outside activities without being escorted by men, all the time. To enable them to achieve this end quit a  number of confident and fearless women own and drive  their own vehicles . To them, this is a first step towards liberation from men and a major sign of empowerment.

Many number of working women in high profile jobs in the financial, banking, and corporate, educational and health sectors have high level of professional attitude since they are ambitious to reach the top level in their carrier, They constantly upgrade their job skill and have high level performance in their respective professions in spite of glass ceiling they have to cross. They are making best use of certain skills which women naturally possess such as, time management, multi tasking, team management and communication and crisis management skill .The modern WOW women basically believe that they endowed with equal intelligence to deal with different situations as men do.  They have perfected the act of balancing home and carrier .Hence thousand of women entrepreneurs have entered into manufacturing and service sector business units and running them successfully .Nearly 50 women in India are at the top level in the corporate sector.   These women are role models to those who want to use the resources available to them such as higher education, special job skills, time, mental and physical energy to their best advantage.

It is hoped that the steady increase in the number of such transformed women will change the son preference attitude of the Indian society which is based on the belief that women are liabilities and hence a wasteful resource. Hope, the new generation men will recognise the potentialities of women and treat them with equity and dignity. .Such women become asset to the family, society and the nation through playing effectively their social, political, economic roles. 

Thursday, 26 March 2015

wandering alone in the wilderness of a night

                   Wandering alone  in the wilderness of a night

“I have always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner. Their floor boards of the skull well swept and all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed ― David Benioff (author)
I am well informed about the reasons for sleepless ness in the nights. I am also aware of the fact that the body's "biological clock," or 24-hour cycle (circadian rhythm) can be affected by light or darkness, which can make the body think it is time to sleep or wake up. Body clock sleep problems have been linked to a hormone called melatonin. Light and dark affect how the body makes melatonin. Most melatonin is made at night. During the day, light tells your body to make less melatonin. If you work at night in artificial light, your body may be making less melatonin than it needs
Some people—such as those who can't sleep until very late and those who go to bed very early—have circadian rhythms that are different from those of most people. Other people with sleep problems may have regular circadian rhythms but have to adjust them to new situations, such as working a night shift. When you work at night and sleep during the day, your body's internal clock needs to reset to let you sleep during the day. Sometimes that's hard to do. People who work the night shift or rotate shifts may have trouble sleeping during the day and may feel tired at night when they need to be alert for work.
 My family doctor once said to me that, “it is always difficult to educate the already educated persons.” I am one excellent example of such a case due to my mismanagement of my sleep.
One day, I was watching news hour programme of an English channel and was enjoying it thoroughly for the use of vocal and lung power of every one participating in it and the inability of the anchor to bring some orderliness in the debate. It was highly hilarious to watch three people  talking simultaneously and continuously and I was thrilled to see the  women spokes person’s  victory in silencing others by their non stop verbal   direhoria.   This activity of mine i.e., entertaining my self with the news discussion, in the comfort of my home was going on till 11 PM. The sleep clock sent the first signal through making me yarn and reminded me to go to bed immediately.  I ignored the warning knowing very well that after some time, the sleep clock will get confused and stop activating the process of sleeping. Then suddenly I remembered that, I have some work in the kitchen and when I finished that work, the time was 11. 40 PM and then I retired to my bed feeling extremely sleepy.
 But habits die hard. Hence, as usual I took a magazine and started reading it thinking, I may read for 10 minutes. But. That activity was extended to half an hour, though all the articles were related to election and poll predictions. I was already over fed with voluminous information on these matters. Hence I decided to cooperate with the sleep clock and switched off the lights and closed my eyes. 
 The over all result of the mismanagement of my sleeping  time  was immediately realised, i.e. just then, I started feeling very fresh and even after one hour of tossing in the bed, changing directions of the pillow , adjusting the fan speed, drinking water etc., didn’t help in getting my sleep. I started reciting prayer, started counting numbers and practiced yoga sleep technique. Nothing helped .By then it was 1. 30 AM.  The sleep clock refused to help in solving my problem . Then I switched on the TV and was bored with the old movies and over familiar comedy scenes and news coverage of mammoth meetings of Modi and his thundering speeches.
Then, I decided not to go back to the bed again and waste my time and resolved to convert my midnight into a productive time. Praying and writing are the two activities I am not able to do in day time without disturbance. First, I decided to start my prayers. I could immediately establish a very personal contact with God in that silent atmosphere which was free from phone calls, door bells, service providers, guests and interesting TV programmes  . I could pray with total satisfaction and devotion sharing everything with God and asking for His guidance for the rest of my life and of course to help me to sleep at least for few hours that night.  It was a very satisfying moment of the day, since very rarely only I get such intense personal dialogue opportunity with God.
Then I started my next productive activity i.e., writing .When all the living beings sleep in peace and  when there was perfect silence around me  it was very  conducive for  free flow of thoughts. .  First I attempted poetry. Stopped it after some time realising that, it is not my cup of tea. Then, I wrote a letter to The Hindu on some news coverage on which I had formed my opinion, knowing very well that, it will not be published since it was too late to send it for the next day paper and also my letter has appeared only 15 days back and for another two or three months my letters will not find space in the letter column since, every one has to be given justifiable chance (according to my assumption). Then I started writing an article meant to be sent to this section, knowing very well that, if any one’s article appears in this section, for another one year at least, the next article of the same person will not re appear since, there is flooding of articles to this section from all types of free lance writers and some time columnists also compete for space in this column (according to my assumption) There are of course few exceptions to this rule such as writer like DR. TN.
 Finally the article came to the final shape after improvements and tough editing.and the send button was clicked at 3 AM and I spent another 10 minutes to send a blog to my  blog spot space. . Then I finally went to bed with the satisfaction of not fully wasting  my sleepless night  and hoped to  sleep till 8 Am , so that I will have some pysical stamina to attend to the next day’s tasks that would face me.  The sleep clock finally took mercy on me and allowed me to sleep for few hours. This resulted in spoiling all my programmes of the day time since, I was experiencing drowsiness for several hours.   The moral of the story is-
·        It is not possible to fall asleep whenever we wish. 
·         It is not possible to wake up whenever we wish.
·        At most discipline is required in sleeping time and we should never disturb the sleep clock’s functioning if we want to avoid midnight adventures.  .

Written by Prof.  Rameeza.A.Rasheed

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Shopping for saris and it’s therapeutic value

                   Shopping  for saris and it’s therapeutic value

There are many suggestions given to drive out mental depression, such as  seeing a comedy movie or scenes in the television, reading comics, joining a friend’s group for some activity or getting out of the home or listening to music etc., But of late shopping is suggested as an activity with higher therapeutic value. Even window shopping is considered as helping to fight depression. We indulge in shopping for acquiring household items, dresses, jewelry, accessories, furniture, latest gadgets, art pieces etc. But as far as women are concerned ,shopping for personal wardrobe is considered as an activity which would instantly drive out mental depression. I have heard many women supporting this idea. It is highly true in the case of Indian women because in no other country the weavers, the designers, the printers of handloom and mill made clothes are glorifying women with such variety of dresses through their creations. All the states in India specialise in a particular type of women dresses especially in weaving of the saris.

The minute a woman decides to buy a sari to get out of depression, she would be indulging in an urgent plan that includes allotment of budget for the purchase, the locality to visit, the shops to enter and a rough idea of the material and color of the of the sari, so that there should not be a repetition of any sari which they already  have or their friends and relatives have, because women get immense satisfaction in wearing exclusive saris which no other women should be seen wearing. (Vanity, thy name is woman)

Then, after entering the shop they hop from counter to counter to see all the available variety of saris even if they are remotely connected to their budget. The excuse for this behavior is to get knowledge regarding the latest designs and prices so that they can use that knowledge during the next available opportunity. This stage in the   shopping has dramatic effect on their mental condition. The mind is a so refreshed after seeing such variety of saris decorated with gold and silver colour zari  , beads , stone work , hand woven borders with breath taking designs with vegetable dyes, machine prints and hand woven saris with vast types of color combinations arrived from north, south, east and west of India

Most of the women have the tendency to stop and look at the saris unfolded by the sales men for others, even after selection their saris for comparison sake. This comparison attitude continues until the bill is settled  since, even at that stage saris selected  by others are casualty surveyed to check whether their saris  remain exclusive  still. Women prefer
to go to boutiques in spite of untouchable prices  for the sake of selecting an unique, latest ,and beautiful  saris because, they do not like to possess a sari 100 other women would be wearing .They hate to buy any sari  in their opinion is  “too common” in  design and colour combination . It is true that only those women who have husbands who do not micro manage the family expenses and only those  working women with financial independence  can resort to sari shopping to tackle mental depression . Others resort to window shopping because even  that activity  helps in relaxing the mind through visual effects of a huge sari collection and its beautiful display.

I have a friend who has one full size steel cupboard filled with “depression saris” as she calls them. I noticed that it was very unique and breadth taking  collection. I was wondering whether she would be getting into fresh bout of depression if she doesn’t get chances to display them for long time  . Many women would agree that sari shopping indeed has higher therapeutic value because , all the steps involved in it are interesting and relaxing to the affected  mind. Men do not understand the complexities and technicalities involved in sari selection. Those men who accompany women for sari shopping wonder at the time consumed in selection and the pity the sales men who untiringly unfold hundreds of saris for each woman customer in their effort to guess the particular taste of a customer. I often wonder why do  men accompany women to sari shops because women like to have total freedom in sari selection. If they are forced to select sari to please their  husbands who give a suggestion in selection , they are sure to exchange it the next day under some pretext. Moreover, sari shopping is therapeutic only when it is done with leisure and  patience and it is better husbands  stay way from it because , quite often they  are the source of mental depression  of their wives.   


lessons for the humans from the birds

                             Lessons for the humans  from the birds 

One day, I was sitting in the balcony, and was sipping the hot tea at 6AM with total calmness in my mind. I was enjoying the power of silence and peace existing around aro . I was aimlessly  looking at the trees, the sky, the paper boys and the   milk suppliers . I was also watching the butterflies sitting on the flowers, the parrots sitting  on the neam tree, the crows and the pigeons flying in groups hurriedly in groups. I understood that, all of them were very busily engaged in the task of collecting their morning food and water. Sadly the sparrows were missing, I know that, these birds would get their food from residences and hotels and roadside eateries. But I am not sure whether they would get sufficient water in the water deficit city like Chennai.

Birds seem to have an amazing and enviable life. It is because, their needs are minimum and hence their life is simple. Their basic needs include only  food, water and shelter and not even clothing which is fundamental need to human’s. There is no need for them to take  efforts to look better . Hence there is no need to take special care about appearance through better dresses, make up or accessories. They don’t  strain themselves to  maintain a particular status to impress others. They don’t  resort to corrupt  methods  since they don’t have  to accumulate  wealth for their seven generations    They do not think about past and future and seems to live only for the current day..  They do not have to spend on the health, food and education needs of their offspring’s for at least 20 to 25 Years. They do not bother about settling them in life  till they get their life partners  or  carrier  for survival.

Look at their simple philosophy towards their children! They look after them and protect them only till their wings become stronger and enable them   to fly independently. They do not tag along their children forever  and interfere in their life resulting in conflict of interest between elders and youngsters. I think the birds community does not even recognise their parents or siblings once they go out of their parental nests . Bird observers might throw light on this matter. They have no expectation from their children  and hence there is no disappointment even if they do not meet them again in their life time.  Empty nest syndrome does not affect the birds. I think they are not in the habit of   complaining about loneliness or neglect or abuse by children in old age.. The birds are not affected by the hassles of modern life such as, competition for survival, materialism, recession,   inflation, pollution, etc. They don’t have to bother about inflation and balancing their budget since they live on the motto of “live for to day.” They do not accumulate things for posterity. They are brisk, early risers ,follow orderliness in their  daily tasks .

We can draw many lessons from their life they are   

·        Early to rise and early to go home..
·        Eat only until yours hunger is satisfied .
·        Share your food with others when you have excess over your needs.
·        Move on groups. It is safer.
·        Mind only your business .
·        Do not tag along children after they are grown up.
·        For contentment in life keep requirements to the minimum .

Valuable lessons indeed to enjoy peace of mind .

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Indias daughter

This article written by me was published in Beyond Head lines, an online magazine on ,10.3.15                                                   
               “India’s daughter” - a meaningless opposition
 In this era of communication revolution, strangely, the Indian government believes that by banning one documentary “India’s daughter,” India’s image regarding treatment of women would be protected. In reality, whenever   a book or film is banned, people’s curiosity is kindled to know about it .For that same reason I saw that film in U Tube before it was lifted from it. The statements  of  Mukesh Singh,  the rapist and of the  two lawyers didn’t shock me, because worse statements have been made in the past  regarding rapes in India by politicians who happen to be MLAs , MPs , ministers and an ex Chief Minister of  a state  and also by judges, police officials and by Khap Panchayats . This document has academic value since, it is narrated through a simple format, crisply edited, and everyone’s views recorded without any bias and focused on its main theme. It covers all the aspects of the rape crime viz., the general mind set of even educated persons like the lawyers in the matters connected with women, the behavior of men when they are under the influence of liquor and brave heart’s fight for survival. According to me this film should be shown in every college in India  I t should be  for part of sex education so that, the girls would have a clear idea regarding the unsafe environment in which they live and the mind set of not only rape offenders but also of men in top positions. This understanding would help them to take suitable self protection methods when they enter into the outside world for education , job or travel .This film will make the parents think  about the ways in which they have to mould the character and values of their sons. In reality this film has paid rich tribute to the women of India through filming the narration of the mother, the angry reaction of young India, women activists, ordinary women and working women who rose in revolt against the barbaric crime Their prolonged protests, candle light processions and angry outbursts made the then government to appoint the Varma committee and made them to enact a new Law against Rape offence. Through this film the world will get a chance to see the women power of India. India’s image was already dented severely when it is ranked 4th among the countries unsafe for women and when some countries issued guidelines to follow when their women travel in India. This film might help in elevation of India’s image a little by filming the use of the potentiality of women power against injustice done to the daughters of India. Nirbabaya’s case was  only a last straw in the camel’s back . The film maker would have chosen to produce documentary  on Nirbaya’s case which happened in India  to show case to the world the uprising of Indian men and women  against a barbaric crimes committed on Indian women . This is the answer to those who repeatedly  ask “why a film  on Indian Rapes  alone ?”

Monday, 9 March 2015

Women Day's significance

The purpose of  Women’s Day is deeper. It is the day when women have to decide about  the need to be economically independent , so that tahy can live with dignity and without being abused . It is the day when they are expected to  assess their  skills and potentialities and take a decision regarding their future goals in life . It is day when they should analyse about the various resources at their disposal which would help in achieving those goals. It is day when women should decide dependency on women should be totally given up. It is day when she should realise  that her safety and dignified living can not be provided by the government or laws or  police or parents of  institution’s head but, by her own wisdom , self protection methods and avoidance of unsafe surroundings. On that Day when women achievers are honoured they motivate others to lead  and productive life instead of reaming as wasteful human resource There is nothing wrong in celebrating it , because as home makers and  they contribute to the well being of the family and  the society and as carrier women in organised and unorganised sector to national income

Sunday, 8 March 2015

AAP affairs

             The victory for AAP  in Delhi is not Kejriwal’s alone. Thousands of well educated and qualified volunteers have left their lucrative jobs in India and abroad to lend support to the  new party which promises “change” in the political atmosphere of India. Many intellectuals have added credibility to AAP by their support and by their  productive role in shaping the constitution ,framework and principles of AAP  which appealed to the voters in Delhi and elsewhere. It is not good for the future of APP, if the founding members of the AAP  party are treated shabbily one after another and made to exit unceremoniously, unmindful of their productive contributions to the party . If   violations  in the basic principles of the party are pointed out due to genuine concern about the image of the party, they are to be   met with genuine answers and not by sacking those who raise them..  

Wednesday, 4 March 2015


It is very strange that in a  country where millions of poor elders do not get any pension at all or get between Rs 500 -1000 a month, the income tax paying pensioners complain after every budget’s presentation that,  their saving capacity  gets dwindled due to new indirect taxes  and yet, exemption limit is not raised  .The Federations of the Senior Citizens Associations have been demanding, for along time , a  universal pension of Rs 2000 to all the poor seniors in India to enable them to meet their basic needs and to live with dignity in their sunset years without being abused by their caretakers, who are also poor. This demand is socially justifiable and economically possible . Hence,  the present  government can some how mobilise  resources to meet this demand , because poverty in old age is very cruel and painful .

Monday, 2 March 2015

The budget -2015

We have read and listened to the elaborate discussion on the budget presented by experts , and people representing  different sectors . The corporate sector is happy But to the real   estate sector , the common man and to the  farming sector this budget is a huge disappointment. The real estate sector is  very unhappy since, it has not been considered as part of infrastructure and the increase in the service tax to 14% will prove to be quite burdensome to the home buyers though it is  the largest employment provider and second largest GDP contributor to the Indian economy,. The common man is going to be over burdened by higher freight  rates of railways, excise duties, fuel prices.-and the  service tax. This budget has not presented any mechanism to save the farmers from their terrible economic strains. More over ,Huge reduction of funds for the Union government-sponsored projects in the Budget is going to affect the state finances .    

The budget -2-015

The much expected budget was presented on 28th February and the opinion of all the experts ,politicians and the common men were  heard and read . The budget proposals always  burden few sections and benefit few other sections Growth via greater productivity and jobs creations and reducing income inequality   seems to be the major aims . Proposals to un hoard  Black money look grand . May be we will achieve higher growth rate, because of the priority given to the corporate sector as expected from the BJP government. But we are  frustrated with  the  promises  for narrowing down of income in equalities and control of black money , because we are not going to achieve them  in our life time  or during our children’s and grand children’s lifetime since,  no government is serious about these goals and they know about it. .