Friday, 1 September 2017

problems faced by Indian women in the path of economic empowerment

Certain real problems   are faced by all categories of Indian women India which force  them  quit jobs after marriage and child birth. It is true that , majority of Indian women will not sacrifice motherhood for the sake of economic empowerment as is happening in some other  nations. But at the same time , in recent years ,their mind set has undergone a tremendous transformation  regarding the need to be  economically independent . Even a domestic  help is proud of her earning and doesn’t want to give it up easily.  But ,they are pushed into enforced idleness after marriage and child birth due to the break up of the joint family system, absence of flexi time and part time jobs and work from home opportunities  . Dearth of good quality baby and child care facilities and the non  practice of  division of house hold work in Indian families and the transportation hurdles   add to their enforced idleness .
Today’ s women have tasted the benefits of financial independence such as, the ability to face challenges of life without depending on relatives,  a feeling of self worth , possibility to enhance the standard of living of the family , the satisfaction of reaping the benefits of their knowledge and skill gained through education and  good health status and their  ability to  achieve their life goals . If a favorable  work environment is created by the job givers  ,the female work  participation in India
 and women resource contribution to GNP would be higher  

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