While agreeing to all the suggestions given for better medical and other support to
women employed in the unorganized sector in the editorial, “partial cover” (11.3.17),
I would also suggest additionally that ,
the facilities to enhance the opportunities for self employment through
house hold industries such as easy
credit , free skill training in the making of easily marketable products and
services, help rendered in acquiring
mobility through cycles , tri
cycles and scooters and baby care centers
nears their homes would prevent
the marginalized women from being dropped out of the labour market after
child birth for a prolonged time . These un organized women labourers are
already suffering with discriminatory wages , lack of job security and denial of
government facilities . Hence , if the government resort to inclusiveness in
rendering labour rights to these women workers they would continue to contribute to GNP without
enforced unemployment after child birth and suffer the consequences of
feminization of poverty .
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