Sunday, 5 February 2017

THe Budget-2017

After the yearly ritual of listening to and reading the budget discussions, two things are clear. India has the maximum supply of opinion contributors on ever matter of national importance and budget is wrongly conceived as a magical wand that would solve all the economic imbalances and help in achieving the economic objectives . The principles of economics has taught that, a coordinated combination of fiscal  , monetary  and  economic  policy  alone can  achieve the  economic goals of a nation . The Finance Minister who excels  in the art of creating a right mixture of these policies alone  will succeed in achieving the economic agenda of a government . But after observing the budget matters for decades together one message is clear  ie., all the governments  which have ruled  India so far , are united  in   neglecting  or giving low priority  to the social sectors . Why do our rulers fail to recognize the important role played by  education , skill training  and health  promotion in Human Resource Development and Human Capital Formation  especially, when we are right now , in a position to reap the demographic dividend ?  Year after year the Indian   Budgets  allocate very pathetic resources to the social sector in comparison with other emerging economies. This attitude of the budget makers is very mysterious .

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