Ever since the Corona virus entered the Indian households, there seems to be a sudden awakening among members of the families, regarding the endless and onerous household tasks performed by women who are in charge of home management due to observing them at close quarters. Media too, started giving coverage to discussion on the need to assess the money value of the home tasks and to compensate women in money terms on a regular basis. Feminists too, started raising their voice regarding the gender injustice prevailing in this matter. Now the political voices from Kamala Hasan (MNM) and Stalin (DMK president) are heard on this matter . Both have promised to pay home makers regularly. These promises are made on a very shallow basis and without knowledge on the various theories suggested by economists earlier to determine the money value of home tasks and dismissed them as impracticable. If there is any confusion in the minds of the civil c society regarding the way to celebrate International Women’s Day, they can start this day by greeting all the women who are near and dear to them, by giving them memorable gifts chosen with care and regularly covey to them their recognition, appreciation and gratitude for their selfless, dedicated lifelong service to the family members and payment of honorarium at regular or irregular intervals and n most importantly by sharing home tasks on a permanent basis.