Sunday, 6 November 2016

Gender justice for Muslim women

The BJP government ruling India today came to power because, PM Modi could succeed in convincing the voters about his ability to bring in changes in the economic scenario prevailing just before election through a number of tall promises made during his  hectic election campaign. The youth were promised jobs, the corporates were assured of freedom from tax terrorism   and from bureaucratic delays, the foreign investors were guaranteed of ease of doing business in India and the citizens of India were made to believe in the BJP party’s ability to  remove corruption from this nation which reached its height during the last phase of the then ,Congress government. But after 30 months of rule, the people have realised that all the promises made in the most thundering voice were not anywhere near the promises made. Under -performance has made the opposition parties bolder in criticisms and the media is giving the  true picture of the economic scenario. The total effect of the disappointments to the voters will surely , reflect on the next General Election verdict. Hence, the BJP was in search of a tool to divert the people’s attention from its dismal economic performance and it found it in the threat to introduce Uniform Civil Code for India.
 We should not forget that, it is the RSS which sets the social and cultural agenda for the present government, the BJP party, its political agenda and the BJP government it’s economic agenda. We are very aware of the components of the social and the cultural agenda of the RSS. One such component is uniform civil code. When the nation is desperately waiting for economic reforms and getting disappointed with the government performance, the government has opted to divert the attention of the people by creation social tension in the country through attempts to introduce  the Uniform Civil Code, knowing very well the consequences .  
Even if, the government has the noble intention of gifting the Muslim women of India gender justice through reforms in the Muslim personal law, The BJP party  is not the suitable agency to do it. At the time of partition, the congress government in charge of the affairs of the nation had promised to the Muslims who opted to stay In India that, they would be allowed to practice their personal laws as per the shariyah rules. Now this promise is conveniently forgotten and under the pretext of gender justice. s Does the BJP government claim ,that ,  all the women in the other communities in India are enjoying gender justice? ? Are they under the impression that there is no polygamy and torture of divorce among non Muslims?  Are they ignorant about the facts  that way back, it was Islam, which gave right to Muslim women regarding consent for marriage, right to divorce, right to remarry, right to inherit properly , right   to seek knowledge and the right to practice professions? Other communities get these rights only from 20th century through enactment of certain laws . Moreover how can the Prime minister talk of gender justice to Muslim women,when he has the history behind him of closing his eyes when ,so many Muslim women were widowed, Muslim girls made orphans and young Muslim women were specially targeted for rape ?
 One advice to the Muslim community. If we fail to keep our home in order , outsiders will peep in and interfere . How many years back the Sachaar Committee had reported about the utter backwardness of the Muslim women ? Any of the community political or religious leaders  bothered  about taking efforts to improve their status? The Muslim women had been complaining  about triple talaq for a long time . Any one cared to remove this injustice ? It is ve y funny that .in every media discussion and in religious gatherings.  the triple talaq is condemned as un Islamic practice since it is against shariya. But. The men    do not want any  law against it  and total removal of it from Muslims personal law practices. What is the reason the women of India wonder.  Similarly the arguments regarding polygamy  can not be trivialised by quoting the rules to be maintained by men when he takes more than one wife and  by arguing that it is the other communities which have more number of polygamy cases in reality . No woman with a rational mind and dignity will accept this  situation happily because, the religion has given the sanction to men in this matter.   How many of the religious practices men follow strictly for them to claim that, in polygamy matter they are only following shariyah rules ? Therefore, let us accept the fact  that, there  are certain imperfections in the personal law practices among Muslims, the  Hindus and Christians  . Where ever it is possible , without interfering with the shariyah  laws , reforms can be introduced  but, not unilaterally  by Muslim law board or some other boards. It should be done ,  after a wider and deeper discussion among the religious. Political, business leaders , Islamic scholars and academicians . These discussion forums should include knowledgeable  women representatives too  . Side by side , every women group which is gathering periodically to day in cities and towns in different areas to create awareness about  the meaning and interpretation of the quranic passages and the  hadhiths and shariyah  rules should also create awareness among them about the new problem  created by this government and educate them about the various aspects and components of the Muslim  personal law. Muslim women today are living in a blissful state of ignorance about many  matters regarding  their life and about changes that are taking place in India   today . Education them on these matters is the need of the hour .
The government is giving wider publicity about the questionnaire circulated to know the views of the people on common civil code and personal laws of the different communities  .How many Muslims particularly women who answer attempt to answer these questions ,know the minute religious rules guiding the personal laws  for them to answer correctly? What is going to be the sample size of this survey ? How authentic   is going to be the data collection?   What would be the degree of transparency regarding  the survey process? We  all know  that, in India statistics is collected carelessly and presented very carefully and manipulated as per the hidden agenda  of the surveys . Hence nobody is going to trust the outcome this survey .     Any effort to bring a UCC by the government would be i seen by minority groups  surely, with suspicion. Many fear that,  the UCC will reflect the norms of the majority community and destroy the multiplicity and diversity of smaller groups.
One advice to the government is, concentrate on fulfilling your election promises and leave the  matters regarding the personal laws to the respective communities. If your ambition is to become Asian leader beating China concentrate on it . Bring  back all the black money hidden outside India and distribute among the citizens as promised during the election campaign.   Any  imperfections in their personal laws of the different religious groups  can be  corrected by the respective communities after free and fair debates  . They themselves  ,can take efforts to render gender justice within the limits of their personal laws. Government interference in this matter is unwarranted and unnecessary. Let it spend its energy and resources on productive matters and leave the perfect implementation of the personal laws to the various communities in India.

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